Monday, September 21, 2009


Hello all, Victoria is doing good for the most part. She had a really good weekend until Sunday late afternoon. She has been fighting fever and high heart rate again. She is dealing with being weened from the sedation meds from her surgery. She has been very restless and unable to sleep last night and today. The with drawls are just part of the territory and we know they will not last but for a few days. She is also teething too which makes it hard. Also we think that she has ringworm. The doctors won't have the test back for 2 weeks to confirm but they are treating her with anti fungal medication until then. Ringworm is not a worm, its a nasty rash on the skin. Hers is on her face and is spreading to her neck. It can be very itchy to say the least and the doctors say it will take about 6 weeks to clear it up. It is very contagious and we have to be very careful not to spread it. The doctor gave her face cream Saturday for part of the treatment but she had a reaction to it. What a mess that was for a few hours. She was itchy and red and swollen all over her face. She was thrashing around the bed like she was laying on ants. When we stopped using the cream it went away THANK GOD! We are praying and believing that her week will be as good as last weeks. Thank you for all of your continued prayers we really appreciate all of the support.

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