Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good Weekend!

We had a good weekend. Victoria started feeding again and has been feeling much better. Her neck seems to be healing nicely too. I was able to hold her finally.. its been about a month or so. She was so tired getting out of the bed but she sure enjoyed it. We are having an issue with her trach tubing popping off every 2 minutes. Does any Mom's out there have any suggestions to help this? Please give a shout out to me if so. She has a Shiley Trach. Take care and we will keep you updated as usual.


  1. its so good to read this! im so happy victoria is doing much better.
    i promise you, as soon as they get the bivona flexstend in there, her trach wont pop off anymore. the shiley popped off every second for us.
    much love to you all,

  2. We always use tiny rubber bands, thread them through the wholes *where the trach tie goes* and band each one around the vent tubing. Make sense?

    She looks great! Praying for continued healing.
