Sunday, October 18, 2009

Finally....We have a date to go home!

We have been really busy getting ready for Victoria to come home. She should be going home Monday. There are many things that have to be done. All her equipment for home, home nursing, meds, and clothes. She went to the hospital wearing size 8 months and now she fits into 24 months - 2t...... She had an off week with fever and fussiness and a lot of secretions but nothing serious. I still think her not feeling well was from her synergist shot... she started to feel better on Friday.. and is doing good over the weekend. On Monday she will be having a hearing test called ABR.... That is the last thing that needs to be done before going home. I have remained pretty indifferent about it because I don't want to get too excited too soon and then not make it home. So Dad and I have been hanging on the down low just waiting for Monday.

1 comment:

  1. What great news for all of you. I am so happy you will finally be bringing her home. Prayers are answered. I look forward to hearing about Victoria's progress at home too. Although you will probably have your hands full with a rambunctious little girl. I couldn't be happier for you--tears of joy this time around!

    Shelly Stillson
